Monday, 24 November 2014

Photo of the Week #8

Oh boy, this is shameful. I missed a week and now I'm late, too. You know what that means? You're about to be lavished with TWO PHOTOS. A photo blog daily double, if you will. (aside: I would like to just put it out there that "if you will" is possibly one of the most painful things to say if you aren't doing it ironically. For example, an excerpt from my developmental biology textbook: "...the anterior end of the embryo is more advanced in its development (having a "head start," if you will)..." Oh ho ho. Can't you just imagine the writer's chuckle. I do tend to use a lot of bad puns so maybe I'm not qualified to make fun, but that one sure got a tired eye-roll from me. Possibly because trying to understand embryonic development is hard enough to put you in a cynical mood to start with.)

I took some more nighttime shots this week 'cause I'm out on the street slinging rocks anyways, might as well take some pics while I rake in the illegal dough. I also really love nighttime during the winter, which is a good thing since those two conditions are on the haps for most of your lifetime if you live in Edmonton. The city is starting to do this thing where we just put lights on everything to try to make the perma-darkness more enjoyable, which I am super down for. For instance, the high level bridge across the river now lights up at night, and the trees on the  U of A quad are all covered in lights this year. Definitely makes you appreciate the sparkly dreamy nighttime of winter months more!

So here are some dreamy sparkly winter night shots of my own. I got a little distracted by street lamps.

Luv winter 4ever,

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Photo of the Week #7

Whoa guys, check out this different format! It's wiggin' me out! Picture on one side, text on other side? Crazy.

So as promised I have some snowtography this week! Finally winter has descended on E-Town, I am happy to say. I love the snow, unlike many of my jaded Edmontonian companions who have just lived here too long. Well, I have too (goin' on year 17!), but I have not lost a childish joy for all things sparkly yet. Who can resist purposely sliding along icy sidewalks, or kicking up big puffs of snow just to watch it fly and sparkle, or the satisfying crunch under your feet when you liberate a previously untrodden snowfall? To me, snow is ~romance~ and wonder and delight! Anyways, I'm still adjusting to temperatures in the minuses though. I might love snow with a bit of a freaky intensity, but the cold that comes with it is a bummeeerrrr.

These are some glass-blown balls my mom installed as lawn ornaments in our backyard. After the first snowfall they acquired these adorable snow hats that had to be captured. It took a while to find an angle that showed the snow caps without being a totally boring snoozefest (ie. just a flat view from the front) but aren't you glad I found it?? They're pretty. That's all I really have to say here.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Photo of the Week #6

Okay, lots of totally laaaaame talk about composition and crud lately, right?!? I bet everyone's like ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT SARAhHHHHhhHH. Well, this one's just for fun, folks. Charlotte and I on Halloween in our excellent onesies, because the people who write this blog are cool and you should know it.
(by the way Charlotte is a red panda. It's hard to tell, so I thought I'd help her out here.)